Links - to woodworm treatmentWE ARE OPEN - call for help on 01626 872 886 Where you can talk to real people about woodworm
Links to our other most relevant Web SitesWoodworm Forum - wood worm questions and answers from our customers. Frequently asked woodworm questions answered by our experts. Feel free to contribute a question in our Forum. Boron Treatments for Rot - boron based insecticide, boron based fungicide, and boron based Boracol 10RH and Boracol 20. Borates for treating wood, treating masonry, treat dry rot, treat woodworm, treat death watch beetle, preserve timber, as a wood preservative. Dry Rot Treatment- how to cure Dry Rot and prevent Dry Rot in buildings. How to control Dry Rot in walls, in masonry and in timber. How to detect Dry Rot, distinguish Dry Rot from Wet Rot. Boron based treatments, Boracol 10RH and Boracol 20 for treating wood and masonry. Boron Boracol for treating buildings for Dry Rot. Joist Repair for Timber Floors - how to quickly repair joists and repair wooden beams of any size, repair domestic joists, support or extend rotten joists. Timber Resin Repair - systems of timber resin repair, using epoxy resin for wood repair. Bonding bars, bonding dowels and repairing beams with epoxy glass bars bonded in Thixotropic Epoxy resin. Repair Timber in Buildings - how to repair timber beams, repair purlins, repair rafters, repair tie beams, repair Bressumers. Timber-Resin splice kits for replacing rotted beam ends or renewing mid-span sections. Upgrade resin pouring for strengthening under strength beams. Modified flitch designs Structural Timber repairs. Glulam beam repairs. Deck Treatments - how to treat patio decks and yacht decks with Boracol 10RH, a Boron based timber preservative, which combines a Mouldicide and a Fungicide. How to treat timber decay, wet rot and dry rot in decks, wooden posts and masts. Cane all weather garden furniture, woven rattan sofas, woven cane chairs and cane tables. Epoxy Resin - epoxy resin, polyester resin and polyurethane resin for bonding wood, gluing timber, repairing stone, laminating timbers and for stitching timbers or stitching brickwork or stitching stonework. Other Property Repair Systems Sites:Fire Door Upgrades - upgrade doors to 30 minutes fire resistance Fire Barrier Fabrics - fire fabrics for insulation, flame and smoke barriers Property Repair Systems.co.uk - our Company Site, summarising our main products Fire Paint for Steel - treat steel with Intumescent Paint to provide fire protection Treatment of Rising Damp - how to treat rising damp and penetrating damp in walls and how to replaster to the correct specification to prevent damp and salt from emerging. How to insert a chemical Silicone Cream Damp Proof Course by injection at low pressure. Methods for analysing damp problems, water leaks and condensation. How to kill mould and control condensation and control black mold. Deck Treatments - how to treat patio decks and yacht decks with Boracol 10RH, a Boron based timber preservative, which combines a Mouldicide and a Fungicide. How to treat timber decay, wet rot and dry rot in decks, wooden posts and masts. Cane all weather garden furniture, woven rattan sofas, woven cane chairs and cane tables. Basement Waterproofing Membranes - air gap membrane for walls, air gap membrane for floors, Kontract 8 membrane, Wykamol membrane, membrane on floors, cellar membrane, basement membrane, plaster membrane, dry lining membrane. Sump and pump, sump drain, sump pump drains, sump pump systems. Property Care Association Members (PCA) - Qualified in Woodworm Surveying For verification of their Membership go to the PCA Site first. National Companies Rentokil - 0808 278 0315 - E Mail - propertycare.callcentre@rentokil.com - Website - https://www.rentokil.co.uk/propertycare Timberwise - 01395 349234 - E Mail - exmouth@timberwise.co.uk - Website - https://www.timberwise.co.uk/propertycare/
Regional Companies Active Services - South West
- 01822 841 005 - E Mail - info@active-services.org.uk - Web Site - https://www.active-services.org.uk/
Consultants Bob Massey - South West - 0117 956 2010 - E Mail - info@bobmasseyassociates.co.uk - Web Site - https://www.bobmasseyassociates.co.uk Les Hill - 01373 463140 - E
Mail - lhill96@btinternet.com - Web Site - https://www.leshillassociates.co.uk Property Repair Systems T: 01626 872886 E: help@propertyrepairsystems.co.uk Woodworm Control - why we use wood preservativesIn the UK we are mainly concerned with woodworm treatment for Common Furniture Beetle, (Anobium punctatum, in Latin). We need to practice safe woodworm beetle treatment because of the long term damage that the woodworm larvae (grubs) cause in structural and decorative woodwork in domestic houses and commercial buildings. Knowledge of the life cycle of the common furniture beetle (usually just called 'Woodworm' for short) is important when carrying out woodworm treatment because we cannot stop adult Woodworm beetles emerging using normal timber treatments, no matter which surface applied woodworm treatment product we use. To eventually cure woodworm we first need to break the 'egg laying cycle'. Common furniture beetle starts life as an egg. These are laid on a bare, unpainted timber surface, or in cracks and crevices, end grain and down old emergence holes. These larvae hatch, bore into the sap wood, where they cause most of the damage. The larvae feed on the wood and this 'worm' becomes larger for up to 5 years. At some stage the wood worm moves close to the surface and constructs a pupal chamber. Between May and August the adult emerges from its pupal skin and chews its way out leaving the familiar 'woodworm holes'. When they cut their way out they are not actually feeding - the adult does not eat! When the adult beetles have emerged they mate and lay eggs, frequently down the old emergence holes and into the pupal chambers and tunnels. Sometimes both mating and egg laying can take place within the emergence hole itself.
How to stop WoodwormWoodworm treatment is essential, if active woodworm is present, in order to prevent woodworm eggs from successfully boring into the timber and continuing the woodworm life cycle. If woodworm, or worse still Death Watch Beetle, (or even worse still House Longhorn Beetle) is allowed to continue to eat your wood, it will be structurally weakened by the multitude of internal tunnels and beetle flight escape holes. These exit holes are evidence of an attack of some type of woodworm, but the size of the exit hole is important in determining the beetle species and hence its life expectancy. Death watch Beetle has a much longer cycle (8 to 10 years) than Common Furniture Beetle (3 to 5 years), so woodworm treatment, as a woodworm killer, has to be adapted to suit the insect involved. Timber treatment is only part of the woodworm story. Dampness also plays an important part in woodworm attack, (woodworm prefer damp or wet timber) so timber treatment must take account of damp, its source and its control or elimination. Fortunately, Boron based products love moisture - they 'seek' the dampest parts of the wood, thus protecting the most vulnerable areas. Consult our Qualified Woodworm Experts for safe, odour free Woodworm Treatment. We supply a Licensed Borax product as an Insecticide - very safe, no smell and permanent. Woodworm Sprayers and Accessories | FAQs | Boron History | Boron Treatment Range | Shop References | Privacy Policy | Returns Policy | Technical & Safety | Contact Property Repair Systems T: 01626 872886 E: help@propertyrepairsystems.co.uk Site written by: David Moore David Moore, B.A. (Hons.), C.T.I.S., C.R.D.S. Technical Author Google+