FAQs - Questions and AnswersWoodworm Treatment with Boron based chemicalsWE ARE OPEN - call for help on 01626 872 886 Where you can talk to real people about woodworm problems
Questions and AnswersQ. WHAT IS BORON? A. Boron-containing wood preservatives are all derived from naturally occurring borate minerals. Boron does not occur in nature in its elemental form, but as oxygen-containing compounds such as boric acid, or borates such as Borax. The mineral tincal (Borax) is the most significant source of commercially used borate. There are major deposits in both the USA and Turkey and other forms of borate are found in South America, China and Russia. Boron is widely distributed in plant and animal tissues and is known to be essential for plant growth. The daily intake for humans varies from 0.5 to 3.1 mg from all natural food and water sources. WOODWORM TREATMENT QUESTIONS - using 5% B.A.E. Boron Boracol in waterQ. HOW MANY COATS DO YOU NEED? A. Two light spray or brush coats, allowing the first coat to dry before the second is applied. Q. DOES IT STAIN OR LEAVE MARKS ON TIMBER? A. No, as long as you do not apply too many coats (it might then leave white crystals behind on the surface). Q. CAN YOU PAINT, STAIN, OR WAX OVER IT? A. Yes, as long as you do not apply too many coats (it might then leave white crystals behind on the surface, which could prevent your coating from sticking properly). Q. DOES IT KILL THE WOODWORM STRAIGHT AWAY? A. No, it prevents re-infestation by killing any eggs laid onto the surface or into old holes. Q. HOW DOES IT WORK? A. It is what is called a 'Biostat' - the eggs that are laid on the surface bore through the treated surface layer of the wood or tunnel and the Boron Boracol prevents them from feeding, by affecting the enzymes in the gut. So, it only kills wood borers. Q. DOES Boron Boracol KILL WASPS, FLIES, BEES OR SPIDERS? A. No, it will only kill insects that bore into and eat the wood. So, the flies that Bats live on are not killed, and this leaves food for the Spiders as well. Q. WHY ARE THERE FRESH HOLES APPEARING, EVEN THOUGH I TREATED EVERYTHING MONTHS AGO? A. Because of the life cycle of the common furniture beetle the surface treatment can only kill the new eggs that are laid - the wood worm grubs live deep in the wood and cannot be reached with a normal surface treatment. Q. WHAT'S THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE WOODWORM? A. Up to 5 years, before changing into a beetle and emerging to mate. Q. HOW LONG DOES THE BEETLE LIVE - DOES IT EAT? A. Up to 3 weeks and no, it does not eat. Q. HOW LIKELY ARE THE WOODWORM EGGS TO INFEST MY FURNITURE OR FLOORS? A. Not very likely - the eggs cannot burrow in through paint, varnish, wax or other finishes. Q. CAN YOU SPRAY OR PAINT IT ON? WHAT DO I WEAR FOR SPRAYING? A. Yes, either spray or brush apply to bare wood only - it will not penetrate paint, varnish, wax or stain. Wear the correct mask for water based sprays, gloves, a coverall, waterproof boots and a protective hat or hood. Q. DOES IT SMELL OR HAVE A COLOUR? A. No, it has no odour and no colour. Q. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DRY? A. From 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Q. DO I HAVE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE WHILST IT'S DRYING? A. No, but the treated area must be kept secure for 1 hour, or until the surfaces are all dry, whichever is the longer, before unprotected people or animals are allowed to enter. Q. HOW LONG WILL WOODWORM TREATMENT LAST FOR? A. If you have used our Boron based treatment in a dry place then it should last indefinitely - Boron Boracol does not give off any vapour and does not leave the wood unless washed out by a long term water leak, although it could be partially removed by heavy sanding of treated surfaces. Other types of Insecticide, like Permethrin and Cypermethrin have been shown to leave the wood over a period of years - little will remain after 6 to 8 years (Treatment Survey results). Q. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO LEAVE IT UNTIL I CAN PUT CARPETS DOWN? A. Until all the surfaces are completely dry. Because there are no solvents in the product the underlay and carpet are safe from damage. Woodworm Treatment | Death Watch Beetle Treatment | House Longhorn Beetle Treatment Woodworm Sprayers and Accessories | Boron History | Boron Treatment Range | Shop References | Privacy Policy | Returns Policy | Technical & Safety | Contact | Links | Testimonials Property Repair Systems T: 01626 872886
E: help@propertyrepairsystems.co.uk Site written by: David Moore David Moore, B.A. (Hons.), C.T.I.S., C.R.D.S. Technical Author Google+ |